Monday, December 24, 2007

Autechre New Album

I was a little slow on the uptake on this one but a new AE album was announced December 3rd. The 20(!) track album Quaristice will be released March 3rd on Warp.

1. Altibzz
2. The Plc
3. IO
4. Plyphon
5. Perlence
6. SonDEremawe
7. Simmm
8. Paralel Suns
9. Steels
10. Tankakern
11. Rale
12. Fol3
13. fwzE
14. 90101-51-1
15. bnc Castl
16. Theswere
17. WNSN
18. chenc9
19. Notwo
20. Outh9X

Autechre Myspace
Autechre @ Warp Records

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