Sunday, October 11, 2009

Radio2019 Podcast #1

I decided that it was long overdue for me to start 'casting. I've considered doing this since I first created this blog years ago. I also realize that this is really the only way for me to possibly keep up with all of the things I am currently listening to. (for now anyways) I hope to start creating video podcasts in the future, but for now I'll just stick to doing audio. This is my first crack at it, so I promise the mixes will only get better. Anywho... On to the show. In this particular case the subject of the podcast is dubstep. I've been hooked on the genre for a couple of years now, and I have yet to have talked at all about it here. So rather than me giving a long intro into the world, I want to share some of my favorite tracks. (a couple of these are not dubstep, but because the whole thing started with a comp cd I did for a friend of mine I think you can forgive me for it)

So Enjoy the first episode, and hopefully this will mean many more to come!

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